Data Privacy Policy

About Data

Types of Data We Collect

At ARIN Co., Ltd., we process user-related information across all services we provide in order to deliver beneficial and valuable services. The information we collect depends on how users utilize our services.

Information Provided by Users

In the services provided by ARIN Co., Ltd., as users utilize the services, we collect information provided during account registration, content creation, comments, posts, product tags, and image data. This information includes the date, time, and file name of posts, as well as what users are viewing through the features of our services. Our systems may perform image analysis on photos posted by users.

Connection-Related Information

In the services provided by ARIN Co., Ltd., we may collect contact information from devices, including people and accounts users are connected with, and use it to suggest or block potential contacts.

Information on Service Usage

Across all services provided by ARIN Co., Ltd., we collect information about how users use the services. For example, this includes what content or products users prefer. We use this information to analyze what content users have not yet encountered and may recommend certain content to users. Such analyses include metrics like the duration, frequency, and intervals of users’ interactions with content and profiles.

Purchase and Billing Information

Across all services provided by ARIN Co., Ltd., including our subsidiaries, we collect information on transactions, purchases, and other financial transactions. This information includes credit card numbers, debit card information, billing details, contact information, and delivery details.

Information Provided by Others

At ARIN Co., Ltd., we may analyze user information provided by others’ activities or provided about users by third parties. This includes when others share a user’s account, receive information, or comment. Similarly, if a user uploads, syncs, or imports contact information, it may become part of the information analyzed by ARIN.

Information Provided by User Devices

At ARIN Co., Ltd., we may collect information from users’ devices to enhance their experience. This includes gathering information from the devices used to access our services and integrating it with user information. The information we collect from devices includes:

- Device Information: OS, hardware and software versions, signal strength, battery level, storage usage, browser type, downloaded apps, file names, etc.
- Interaction Information: Information on device interactions such as mouse movements.
- User Information: Apps used by the user, device IDs, etc.
- Signal Information: Information about Bluetooth, WiFi, beacons, cell towers, as well as time zone, ISP name, language, mobile phone number, IP address, etc.
- Settings Information: Information about GPS, camera, photos, videos, and permissions set by the user.
- Cookie Data: We collect cookie data stored on the device. For more details, please see our Cookie Policy.

Information from ARIN’s Partners

Partners of ARIN Co., Ltd. (advertisers, app developers, API users) may send information to our databases, and those of ARIN’s subsidiaries. This information includes user activities not captured by services provided by ARIN. It might include websites visited by the user, purchase history, and ads viewed, even if the user is not using our services. If a user uses services from our partners, these partners may provide information through external partners they collaborate with, or directly to our databases or those of our subsidiaries. For more on how we use data in cookies, please see our Cookie Policy.

Purpose of Using Information

At ARIN Co., Ltd., we use various types of information to improve the user experience related to the services mentioned in the terms of use and related services as follows:

Service Personalization and Improvement

At ARIN, we use collected data to personalize user experiences (including advertising) and to improve content display that may interest users. We use various information related to users to personalize content, including device information, interaction data, signal data, settings information, and cookie data. Based on this information, we may predict and display content, locations, products, and people of interest to users.

Service Provision to Business Partners

We allow our business partners, including advertisers, to analyze advertising effectiveness and service usage using the information we hold. Our subsidiaries also provide services to all business partners, including partners of services provided by our subsidiaries, using the analysis results of the data held by ARIN Co., Ltd., and its subsidiaries.

Enhancing Security

We use information held by ARIN and all affiliated companies to improve safety and security, including detecting and preventing malicious activities such as spam. If our systems fail to detect and remove malicious activity and users discover it, please send an email to For further details, please consult our Community Guidelines.

Communication with ARIN

We use the information obtained through our services to send marketing information, notifications, and updates about policies and terms. Additionally, we may use this information to respond to user inquiries.

Use for Development and Welfare

We may use the information collected by ARIN and all its subsidiaries for societal welfare, including environmental protection, which is one of our core values. We may also provide information as support and help to accelerate the development and innovation of technologies beneficial to society.

Sharing Information

The information obtained through the services operated by ARIN Co., Ltd., and its subsidiaries may be shared in various ways. This includes sharing among the services we provide and with our business partners. For more details, please see the purpose of use of information.

Users of our services can decide the scope of sharing their published content.

Currently, this is limited to Lumena operated by ARIN. For example, if a user’s account on Lumena is set to "Private" or "Locked," their published posts are displayed only to approved followers. Conversely, if a user’s account is not set to "Private" or "Locked," their posts can be viewed by all users of the platform, including those without an account. Additionally, actions taken by a user on our services may be provided to advertisers, sponsors, and business partners. This includes displaying content based on the user’s network.

Third Parties in Our Services

In our services, we may share information and content with third-party vendors and service providers who perform services such as technology infrastructure, usage analysis, customer service, and payment processing on our behalf.

Data Provision in Line with Our Core Values

We may provide information to third-party institutions (such as educational and research institutions) that cherish our core values, only to the extent that it helps achieve our mission. This is not for our profit but for our cherished core values and mission. To verify our core values and mission, please visit our website.

Law Enforcement

We provide information in response to legal requests.

Information Coordination by ARIN

For the consistency and improvement of services provided by ARIN Co., Ltd., and all its subsidiaries, we may access databases for other services. This is done even if the databases differ by service. Additionally, we may collect information from various databases to create accumulations, analyses, and reports for all our services and those of our subsidiaries.

Additionally, in all the services we provide, if a user deletes their account, the content posted by that account is also deleted. Information posted about the person by other users is not deleted. If you believe there has been a violation of the terms of use, please report it via email to Please provide as much information as possible in the email, including links, usernames, and a description of the content. Our security team will review the report and delete content that does not comply with the guidelines as much as possible. Additionally, if account deletion cannot be performed on the service, you can send an email to with the account tag and documents verifying the user’s identity, and we will delete the account from our side.

Notification Method for Changes to Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, etc.

When changes are made to the privacy policy, terms of use, or community guidelines of the services we provide, we will send notifications to the user’s phone number or email address.

ARIN Corporation (ARIN Co., Ltd.)

Shibuya KK Building, 2-12-11 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 105-0002, Japan

Last Updated: July 2nd, 2024