Community Guideline


Lumena is a safe, honest space where people can connect and learn about beauty. Photos, Live Photos, and videos must be captured and posted by account holders only, and always in accordance with the law. Additionally, always be mindful to treat all users with respect.


Lumena's community guidelines exist to create and maintain a wonderful community together with our users. By using Lumena, users agree to adhere to these community guidelines and the terms of use set by ARIN Co., Ltd. We at ARIN, who manage Lumena, also adhere to these guidelines and terms to help cultivate a great community. Similarly, we expect all users of Lumena and all services provided by ARIN to strive for community improvement. Non-compliance may lead to content removal, account suspension or deletion, or other restrictions.

There are exceptions to the community guidelines. If ARIN determines that content not complying with the guidelines is of public interest, we may allow it to be published without restrictions. This decision is made by considering the risks and damages of publishing the content and the benefits it may offer to society.


Only post photos, videos, and Live Photos that you have the right to share.

Content posted on Lumena and all services provided by ARIN is owned by the poster. Please be conscious to only post content that you have created, photographed, or edited yourself. Do not upload or share content from the internet or content for which you do not have posting rights.

Upload content with a diverse user audience in mind.

Content posted on Lumena can be exposed to a diverse global audience. Please ensure that the content you post does not offend this diverse user base of Lumena. Although you might consider posting artistic nude images, such content is not permitted on Lumena for various reasons and may be removed by the administrators. Nudity refers to images, videos, or digital content of sexual acts, genitalia, or unclothed individuals.


Value considerate interactions and maintain earnest exchanges.

ARIN values connections and learning about beauty. To facilitate these connections on Lumena, we provide reaction, follow, and share buttons. Please do not artificially collect these interactions or spam the same comments or content. Also, do not provide misleading fake user reviews or ratings, or engage in solicitation or transactions. Such content can lead to the removal of the content or the account. Promoting such activities through posts, comments, or publications may also lead to content removal, so please be cautious.

Respect all members of the community.

Lumena and all services provided by ARIN aim to foster a beneficial and diverse community. To nurture such a community, it is essential that all users respect each other. Content intended for hate speech, personal defamation, harassment, or as spam will be removed. Discussions about public figures or individuals with influence due to their profession or specific activities are allowed. However, Lumena is a place for connecting and learning about beauty, not for political discussions unrelated to beauty. Content that incites violence, attacks, hate speech, or harassment against individuals or specific groups based on race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, creed, disability, or illness is not allowed. Content opposing such behavior may be permissible, but as a beauty platform, it is crucial that content relates to beauty. Content alignment with Lumena's purpose is evaluated by our team, and content may be removed based on our decisions. Maintain a respectful environment, avoiding posts that glorify self-harm. Lumena also serves as a space where individuals facing issues like eating disorders or self-harm behaviors like cutting can come together to raise awareness and seek support. To provide such a community, mutual respect among users is necessary.


Do not post activities or content that violate the law.

Lumena is not a platform for praising terrorism, organized crime, or incitement groups. Content intended for the non-medical sale, trade, donation, gifting, or solicitation of drugs, personal use of non-medical drugs, or arranging or promoting such use will be removed. Additionally, offering sexual services, personal trading of firearms, alcohol, tobacco products, non-medical drugs, or pharmaceuticals is not permitted. Even products legally sold in physical stores, such as live animals, are prohibited from personal sale. For other regulated goods transactions, always comply with the law. Before selling products, obtain written permission from ARIN Co., Ltd. via Lumena strictly prohibits sharing sexual content involving minors or threatening to post such images. If you encounter sexual images on Lumena or any service provided by ARIN, please report it via email to Provide as much information as possible in your report, including links, usernames, and content descriptions. Our security team will review the report and remove content not complying with the guidelines as quickly as possible.


Act responsibly

Every user is a valuable member of the Lumena community. If you see another user posting content that violates the community guidelines or terms of use, or encourages such violations, please report it via email to Our security team will review and promptly remove any non-compliant content. Even if you do not have a Lumena account, please report via the methods mentioned above. To expedite the review of your report, provide as much information as possible, including links, usernames, and content descriptions. Depending on the content, the entire post may be removed. If certain content does not violate the guidelines but provokes discomfort, you may choose to unfollow the account that posted it.

Disputes Among Community Users

If there is a dispute or misunderstanding that can be resolved through direct conversation among Lumena community users, try commenting on the post or asking the poster to remove it. If that fails and the issue involves copyright, causes discomfort, or concerns trademark infringement, you can report it to If there is a danger to physical safety or public safety, ARIN Co., Ltd. may cooperate with law enforcement.

For more details, consult the terms of use or contact

Thank you for your cooperation in building a beautiful community. We look forward to your continued support.

ARIN Co., Ltd.

Last Updated: July 2nd, 2024